Understanding Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are the rights and privileges that belong with the ownership of any intellectual property. These rights allow the owners to have a temporary monopoly in the way their property will be used.

This short article describes how this legal precedence is used, what it is and why it is a necessary inclusion in the process of developing or creating a new entity to protect the ownership by the instigator and legal owner.

How This Works

The exclusive rights are for a limited time and allow them to decide who can use the creative work and how they can use the product. The rights go as far as to explain how the creator can profit from his creation, the ability for others to use the works, how others can use information regarding the creator, and the way in which others can use the works or improve the works.

IPRs may also answer questions such as if the works are publicly or privately owned, how the ownership will be established and how long the creator will be in control of the works. They will provide the creator with full ownership rights to their creation and prevent the copying or cloning of the creation by another party for profit or gain.


The context of IPR is as follows: Ownership of ideas, including literary, musical and artistic works (protected by copyright), physical and digital inventions (protected by patents), banners and signs for distinguishing goods of a corporate or business enterprise (protected by trademarks) as well as other elements of industrial property.

These rights encourage inventors and creators as they work will be protected and information regarding their creation can be published without them losing the rights to their creation. This is important in this day and age as there are many powerful corporations in existence that covet new creations that may in some way benefit their own business. Without the correct legal protection, it is not difficult for corporations to obtain the plans or instructions for a new idea or creation that can be assymilated into their business model for profit and legally use them as their own without any recourse to the actual owner or inventor of the creation.

Prior to publicizing any information regarding a creation, the inventor should contact an attorney and finalize all the necessary papers. This is to ensure they do indeed possess the necessary intellectual property rights to the invention or creation and to prevent a third party from claiming it or them as their own.
