Terminating an Employee

If you have an employee that you must terminate, of course this will not be an easy task. However, you must also do this task in the right manner.

The person should be treated with respect and even if you think they know the reasons that you are going to fire them, you should explain the reasons.

Of course, if they were caught stealing from you, this might be a very hard situation for you as the employer that trusted this employee.

However, the best way in which to terminate an employee is by calling them into your office, giving them your decision, and then the reasons that you are firing them.

This may help them later on with another employment opportunity to correct these problems.

Legal for Illegal

Not all instances of needing to fire an employee are found in their ability to do their job or their productivity levels, or even being determined by the business budget constraints. In cases of theft or other illegal activity instigated by an employee, you may wish to take legal action.

In this case, you should also tell the employee that you plan to take legal action and explain to them why you are taking this action and present your evidence to them in order that they may be permitted to present a counter-defense if they are actually innocent of any wrongdoing.

In some cases, the employee has not been at fault, but you need to trim back the payroll for any number of reasons. If this is the case, be upfront and explain this while letting the employee know that you will give them a good reference.

Either way, try to keep a professional atmosphere while showing respect to the employee and things will go much smoother.

When Things Don't Work Out

Managers usually know by instinct when an employee isn't really working out. It is important to keep records to support the termination of an employee. These include evidence of poor performance; performance reviews; warnings and all records of conversations that cover these issues. Be sure to document your case for the termination.

As soon as you have made the decision that the employee should be terminated, ensure your documentation is complete as it is usually best to have it done as soon as possible. In most cases, the employee should not be surprised at what is coming.

From an employer's perspective, terminating an unproductive or troublesome employee can be an opportunity to improve the business itself. It provides a chance to find a replacement employee with better skills or qualifications. If it is necessary to terminate the employee because of cost containment, this provides an opportunity to mitigate finances.

However, it could also be an opportunity for damage to the company. It is always wise to tread carefully and fairly in the termination process.

If you are on the receiving end of an employer's need to terminate an employment contract, you may also wish to retrain in a different field. There are many to choose from, with the adult training field being large enough to profitably work in.

It could be useful to read up on how to become a personal development coach or teach healing techniques to students, in case you should be in need of finding an alternative means of generating an income.
